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Luxury items that appreciate in value



Published on

Jan 2, 2024

Written by

Marie François

In the complex world of luxury, some items go beyond the status of elegant accessories to become precious investments. Beyond their practical function, vintage watches, handbags, jewellery and clothing are often seen as assets that increase in value over time. This particular dynamic transforms these objects into veritable treasures, sought after by luxury enthusiasts and collectors the world over.

Collector’s watches and jewellery

Collector’s watches occupy a special place among prized luxury items. Rolex, Cartier, Audemars Piguet... The great names in watchmaking sometimes make the price tag rise to millions. These objects of mechanical art are becoming veritable collector’s items, which can be passed down from generation to generation. Jewellery has the same ability to increase in value over time. Exceptional gemstones and unique designs created by renowned jewellers can turn a simple bracelet or ring into a lucrative investment.

Designer handbags

Les sacs à main de marque occupent également une place de choix dans le monde du luxe. Des marques emblématiques telles que Chanel, Hermès, Louis Vuitton et Versace produisent de véritables objets de collection. Plus qu'un simple sac pour transporter vos affaires quotidiennes, chaque article devient un symbole de statut et de style. La rareté et l'exclusivité de ces sacs à main en font des objets convoités, suscitant un engouement qui peut se traduire par une augmentation Designer handbags also have pride of place in the world of luxury. Iconic brands such as Chanel, Hermès, Louis Vuitton and Versace produce genuine collector’s items. More than just a bag to carry your daily essentials, each item becomes a symbol of status and style. The rarity and exclusivity of these handbags make them coveted items, generating a craze that can result in a significant increase in value over time.

Vintage and luxury fashion

Si la mode vintage ou de luxe peut évidemment augmenter sa valeur monétaire, elle peut aussi s'apprécier d'un autre point de vue. Les vêtements et accessoires de créateurs des décennies passées sont recherchés par les passionnés de mode pour leur While vintage or luxury fashion can obviously increase in monetary value, it can also appreciate in another kind of value. Designer clothes and accessories from decades gone by are sought after by fashion enthusiasts for their timelessness and rarity. Well-preserved, these luxury pieces reflect the heritage of fashion houses. The same is true of exclusive collaborations, limited editions and pieces worn by influential personalities, which can see their value increase over time.

The rarer an item is, the harder it will be to find... And the higher its price. A great investment to have in your dressing room. This ability to increase in value gives these objects a fascinating dimension. Aesthetics and economic value sometimes come together. Like real treasures to be discovered and preserved, lovers of luxury or rare items often embark on veritable quests for these coveted items.

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